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    Be your own barista. Brew coffee, bake pastries and serve your customers. Don't let the customers wait to long or they will leave. With the money earned you can upgrade your speed, the coffee machines, the oven and the sound system. Choose between game modes Career and Endless. You were always looking for something cool on your mobile, something you can play with, something which makes you feel good with your mobile. Here is an application called LCG PhotoBook , which lets you view photos on your smartphone. You will be thinking what is so special and new about that, when there are many similar applications already available. Your mission is to run a successful coffee house for as long as possible. As customers arrive you must take their orders at the station they're at by pressing the corresponding number: 1, 2 or 3. When they've placed their order you must fetch them what they've ordered. AfriDoctor is a very useful widget for Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3 based touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5230, 5228, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, N8, E7 and C6. AfriDoctor is a Doctor in your pocket. Of course you could take a look at the alarm clock, but that would imply looking at the small clock on your bedside table. If you have a clock that's able to project the time on the ceiling, it's better - but still, you have to get your eyes into a state where they can focus at the numbers. This is where talking alarm clocks come in handy. But you might not have one. However, you do have a mobile phone. Why not let the phone read the time for you? Wind OS - operating system simulator is developed by Bamboo Group. Get the version 1.0.1 of Wind OS from the following link and enjoy the cool windows OS on your mobiles. Wind OS will blow in a feeling of good old windows times to your phone! Something you believe you have known from the very childhood, something which is so intutive and habitual, You will again have a chance to listen to old-hat noises of a humming cooler, and see that classic desktop screen. PayPal application along with core functionalities also offers money splitting tool to help you divide the money among friends when out for shopping or eating out in a restaurent. The PayPal mobile application works with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, E7, N8 and C7. Managed with the rebellious cooler? There is more complicated task for you. Hidden somewhere within the app are 44 Bill Gates quotations', so if you think you are smart enough, go find and decipher! Wind OS is one of the best app to try on your mobiles. Well, LCG PhotoBook is a compact photo viewer which also lets you upload photos to Facebook, Google Picasa, Photobucket, Flickr, MySpace and Twitter. You can easily create photo gallery. So along with photo viewing capabilities, it is also a perfect pictures uploader. Other than that it offers complete file management capabilities, so you can use it as a file explorer as well. AfriDoctor application also provides mapping feature to let users find doctors, clinics and all health industry related services within their proximity. The emergency feature in this app notifies next of kin of their distress and location. HourPower uses the built-in text to speech-engine of S60 phones. English, German, French, Italian and (Brazilian) Portuguese are currently supported. If your phone is running a different language, you might not get the optimal experience: your phone will try to speak the default English words, but use your local dialect. Get the version 1.6.0 of this application now. AfriDoctor offers such a simple UI that makes so easier for anyone to use this application. The application is a winner of recent Global Nokia Innovation award. The widget is available to download from the following download link. With Wind OS you will have a notepad for text editing, a browser for surfing and of course a world-famous Minesweeper, so keep cool, think fast, guess right - and find'em all! Is the cooler's sound getting louder? No worries! A bit of shake of your phone should fix it. But don't shake it too much, or. well, try yourself and see what happens. Now you can take PayPal with you - wherever you go. PayPal has released its mobile application for Symbian S60v5 and Symbian^3 based touch screen mobiles. Earlier PayPal application was only available for Android, iPhone and Blackberry mobiles. AfriDoctor is Africa's first personal mobile health clinic which turns your device into a powerful first aid information kit, a doctor-location service, and an emergency distress notifier. Its revolutionary "SnapDiagnosis" system allows users to submit photos of their ailments and remotely receive advice from a panel of professionals. This is exactly where HourPower comes into play. It reads the current system time out aloud - nothing else. No fancy UI, nothing to configure. Just press the button and hear the time. Put it on a softkey of the standby-screen for maximum comfort. PocketLock is an utility application and does not have much settings so you can easily handle it. Simple and powerful! The application version 1.05 is available to download from the following link. The application is very simple, lightweight and does the job very well. The application is developed by SBSH Mobile Soft. The application works with Symbian S60v5 based touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, 5800 XpressMusic, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, X6, N97 and N97 Mini. HourPower is an interesting application for Symbian S60 3rd and 5th edition mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, E63, E71 and E72. You know the situation - you experience it almost every day: When you wake up in the morning, you'll want to know the time. Now you can start sending/receiving money to and from any of your contact instantly from your mobile. The interface of this application is extremely simple and easy-to-use. No matter where you are, you can view your account history and check your balance using mobile PayPal application. Pocketlock n97 download. Pastries can be fetched easily from the stations 4, 7 and *, while coffee must be made before they can be picked up. Make and pick up coffee at stations 6, 9 and #. Remember that you can only make coffees on order. If you run out of any of the pastries you can make more at the oven. LCG PhotoBook application works with Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic, 5530 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233 and 5235. The version 2.01 of this application is available to download. PocketLock locks your phone when inside your pocket or bag, and unlocks when taken out. No more need for the lock button on the phone! PocketLock can also autolock your phone after X seconds, runs in the background, and auto-starts with your phone (can be changed from the settings). Some of the good features include symptom checkers, first-aid information, health calculators and quizzes. Afridoctor helps make healthcare affordable and accessible to the people of Africa. The application is one of the good and useful application available for Nokia mobiles. The version 2.0.0 of PayPal application can be downloaded from the following link. It's a .JAD file, which will download the actual installer file from PayPal and then install on your mobile. You need an internet connection on your mobile in order to install this app. The Coffee Shop Java game works with Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobiles such as Nokia X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic and 5800 XpressMusic. The game is developed by Mobile Interaction and published by GlobalFun. The version 1.0.20 of this game is available to download. PayPal is a Java based mobile application which allows you to send and receive money, check your recent transactions history, set a mobile PIN for easily log-in from your mobile and carry out other common PayPal tasks which you generally perform through PayPal website.




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Es gibt auch eine andere App. bei der man nicht mal das Handy berühren muss, sondern nur mit der Hand über den Lichtsensor fahren muss, bzw. es aus der Tasche ziehen muss. Habe die App heute geholt und ich muss sagen. Die App macht was her. Und dann einfach auf der og. Seite unten deine IMEI eintragen (auf dem Wählfeld *#06# eintippen) !Achtung nicht verschreiben! Für diese Nummer bekommst du deinen Aktivierungscode. Danach "Buy Now" klicken, dann kommst du zu Paypal, bezahlst dort und bekommst nach Eingehen der Zahlung den Aktivierungscode gesagt. Wenn du per Kreditkarte zahlst, dann bekommst du den Code sofort, die anderen Zahlungsmethoden habe ich noch nicht getestet. Hi, habe schon das Forum durchforstet, aber nix gefunden, hat jemand von euch das Programm slide to unlock und kann das mal posten? sieht natürlich toll aus, nützt aber imo gar nichts. Vor allem das Earth Bild ist Pflicht ! Falls ich was falsch einstelle, bitte ich um Hilfe. MfG. Dort anmelden und eine Zahlungsmethode einrichten (Kreditkarte, Abbuchung oder Überweisung). Wo Dein Problem dabei ist, weiss ich net. also ich habs auf meinem 5800. Kann sein, das es dafür nicht gedacht ist? Kostet $3.49, also 2,50€ über paypal. Alle kostenlosen Angebote sind hier im board nicht erlaubte warez Angebote. Und bei 2,50€ kann man denke ich den Entwickler schon unterstützen. Erstelle ein Benutzerkonto oder melde dich an, um zu kommentieren. Dafür aber ganz gut und gratis. Fingerscanner der geht eh nicht richtig. Hat sich das zufällig noch jemand runtergeladen? ja, hatte auch drüber nachgedacht, mir diese app zu holen. macht aber wirklich keinen sinn. wenn man dafür dann die lock-taste deaktivieren könnte, wärs was anderes. aber so ists ja nur noch ein arbeitsschritt mehr, das handy zu entsperren. und ehrlich gesagt gehts mit der taste weitaus schneller, weil man es schon mal herausholen aus der tasche entsperren kann, bevor man sich erst mit dem finger auf dem bildschirm orientiert hat. schade, leider nur begrenzt auf 10 mal benutzen, oder kann ich das umgehen? Will mir aber nicht in den Kopf, warum es im Ovi-Store kostenlos zum Download angeboten wird, wenn man es gar nicht nutzen kann. Oder funktioniert das bei Euch? Und weil manche den Iphonelook so toll finden, kann man es auch bestens dafür nutzen. sieht natürlich toll aus, nützt aber imo gar nichts. Suche das Programm Slide to unlock. Ich fands ganz witztig und wollte es deshalb mal ausprobieren, aber ich brings einfach nicht zum Starten. Wenn ich "Autostart" ändern will, sagt er mir immer, ich soll eine Vollversion kaufen. Und lt. Beschreibung kann man das Programm manuell mit einem Doppelklick?? starten, aber das geht bei mir auch nicht, ich bin sofort wieder in den Programmeinstellungen drin und das Einzigste, was ich damit machen kann, ist mir unter der Preview anschaun, wie schön es aussehen würde, wenn es funktionieren würde. Und was soll dann diese unnütze Info? Noch dazu bist du damit im falschen Thread. Danke, werde es gleich mal ausprobieren! Gibts nun hier gratis im OVI Store: Hmm. was bringt das denn? Irgendeine Taste muss man ja sowieso drücken. Außerdemm wollen wir hier das iPhone odhc nicht nach machen! dei Firma dankt! ansonsten finde ich das programm echt geil! Ich habe es nicht getestet. Frage. Bei mir klappt es und wenn Du das gestartet hat und alle Einstellungen siehst dann kannst Du einfach auf den Homescreen gehen und entweder per Tastensperre-Schieber oder per mittlerer Menü Taste die Tastatur sperren und dann auch in den Entsperr-Modus gehen. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyXyt-Ui5AM]YouTube - FingerPrint For Symbian S60 5th: 5800, N97, satio, vivaz, i8910 etc[/ame] Das ist so nicht ganz richtig, denn es macht sehr wohl Sinn, z.B. wenn der Knopf für die Tastensperre kaputt ist! Bei der preview ist das Bild inc. Uhr etc nur verkleinert links oben in der Ecke und danach komm ihc auch nur mittels roter Taste wieder auf den "Desktop". So in Settings komm ich gar nicht mehr. Ok. ich hatte einfach den Denkfehler, dass ich dachte, da man beim Öffnen des Programms gleich in den Einstellungen landet, man muss es noch mal irgendwie separat starten, dabei muss man es einfach nur offen lassen und zurück gehen. verstehe. Thx. Heißt "PocketLock". Gibt es glaube ich auch bei Ovi. 20 Antworten auf diese Frage. Gestellt von Schnuffelhasi , 13 Aug 2009. Jetzt noch das Programm auf der Homepage runterladen und installieren (nUnLock-5th-V2) und mit dem Code aktivieren. Fertig.




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    Ich fands ganz witztig und wollte es deshalb mal ausprobieren, aber ich brings einfach nicht zum Starten. Wenn ich "Autostart" ändern will, sagt er mir immer, ich soll eine Vollversion kaufen. Und lt. Beschreibung kann man das Programm manuell mit einem Doppelklick?? starten, aber das geht bei mir auch nicht, ich bin sofort wieder in den Programmeinstellungen drin und das Einzigste, was ich damit machen kann, ist mir unter der Preview anschaun, wie schön es aussehen würde, wenn es funktionieren würde. also ich habs auf meinem 5800. Kann sein, das es dafür nicht gedacht ist? Vor allem das Earth Bild ist Pflicht ! Und weil manche den Iphonelook so toll finden, kann man es auch bestens dafür nutzen. Und dann einfach auf der og. Seite unten deine IMEI eintragen (auf dem Wählfeld *#06# eintippen) !Achtung nicht verschreiben! Für diese Nummer bekommst du deinen Aktivierungscode. Danach "Buy Now" klicken, dann kommst du zu Paypal, bezahlst dort und bekommst nach Eingehen der Zahlung den Aktivierungscode gesagt. Wenn du per Kreditkarte zahlst, dann bekommst du den Code sofort, die anderen Zahlungsmethoden habe ich noch nicht getestet. Zum Entriegeln drücke ich irgendeine Taste, rot, grün oder weiss und danach den "slide to unlock" betätigen. Die Taste muss sein, sonst geht der Bildschirm nicht an. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyXyt-Ui5AM]YouTube - FingerPrint For Symbian S60 5th: 5800, N97, satio, vivaz, i8910 etc[/ame] sieht natürlich toll aus, nützt aber imo gar nichts. Und wenn ich richtig gelesen hab, tut es nur so, als wenn es der Iphone unlock wäre, du musst dennoch die orig. Taste betätigen. Also 2,5 in Sand gesetzt^^ Ich habs drauf und das geht (fast) ohne Probleme, nur der Autostart geht bei mir nicht. Settings und Preview gehen ohne Probleme, Hintergrundbilder wechseln usw. geht alles. Hast du die Version für s60v5 installiert? http://thinkchange.cn/down/index/nUnlock_S60_5th_2_0_0-Signed.sis. Dafür aber ganz gut und gratis. Und was soll dann diese unnütze Info? Noch dazu bist du damit im falschen Thread. Gibts nun hier gratis im OVI Store: Heißt "PocketLock". Gibt es glaube ich auch bei Ovi. Ok. ich hatte einfach den Denkfehler, dass ich dachte, da man beim Öffnen des Programms gleich in den Einstellungen landet, man muss es noch mal irgendwie separat starten, dabei muss man es einfach nur offen lassen und zurück gehen. verstehe. Thx. Fingerscanner der geht eh nicht richtig. Ich habe es nicht getestet. 20 Antworten auf diese Frage. Gestellt von Schnuffelhasi , 13 Aug 2009. jo danke, das reicht mir ja auch schon wenn du mir jetzt allerdings noch erklären könntest, wie das mit dem paypal abläuft, bzw wo ich das anmelden kann, dann wär das thema auch für mich gegessen! Hi, habe schon das Forum durchforstet, aber nix gefunden, hat jemand von euch das Programm slide to unlock und kann das mal posten? Habe die App heute geholt und ich muss sagen. Die App macht was her. Das ist so nicht ganz richtig, denn es macht sehr wohl Sinn, z.B. wenn der Knopf für die Tastensperre kaputt ist! Wo Dein Problem dabei ist, weiss ich net. Es gibt auch eine andere App. bei der man nicht mal das Handy berühren muss, sondern nur mit der Hand über den Lichtsensor fahren muss, bzw. es aus der Tasche ziehen muss. ansonsten finde ich das programm echt geil! Bei der preview ist das Bild inc. Uhr etc nur verkleinert links oben in der Ecke und danach komm ihc auch nur mittels roter Taste wieder auf den "Desktop". So in Settings komm ich gar nicht mehr. Es ist halt nur ne Trial Testversion so wie es aussieht. Will mir aber nicht in den Kopf, warum es im Ovi-Store kostenlos zum Download angeboten wird, wenn man es gar nicht nutzen kann. Oder funktioniert das bei Euch? Hmm. was bringt das denn? Irgendeine Taste muss man ja sowieso drücken. Außerdemm wollen wir hier das iPhone odhc nicht nach machen! schade, leider nur begrenzt auf 10 mal benutzen, oder kann ich das umgehen? Suche das Programm Slide to unlock. Kostet $3.49, also 2,50€ über paypal. Alle kostenlosen Angebote sind hier im board nicht erlaubte warez Angebote. Und bei 2,50€ kann man denke ich den Entwickler schon unterstützen. ja, hatte auch drüber nachgedacht, mir diese app zu holen. macht aber wirklich keinen sinn. wenn man dafür dann die lock-taste deaktivieren könnte, wärs was anderes. aber so ists ja nur noch ein arbeitsschritt mehr, das handy zu entsperren. und ehrlich gesagt gehts mit der taste weitaus schneller, weil man es schon mal herausholen aus der tasche entsperren kann, bevor man sich erst mit dem finger auf dem bildschirm orientiert hat. Danke, werde es gleich mal ausprobieren! Dort anmelden und eine Zahlungsmethode einrichten (Kreditkarte, Abbuchung oder Überweisung). Bei mir klappt es und wenn Du das gestartet hat und alle Einstellungen siehst dann kannst Du einfach auf den Homescreen gehen und entweder per Tastensperre-Schieber oder per mittlerer Menü Taste die Tastatur sperren und dann auch in den Entsperr-Modus gehen. sieht natürlich toll aus, nützt aber imo gar nichts. Hat sich das zufällig noch jemand runtergeladen? Asche auf mein Haupt. Frage. Falls ich was falsch einstelle, bitte ich um Hilfe. MfG. dei Firma dankt! Erstelle ein Benutzerkonto oder melde dich an, um zu kommentieren. Du musst ein Benutzerkonto haben, um einen Kommentar hinterlassen zu können. Jetzt noch das Programm auf der Homepage runterladen und installieren (nUnLock-5th-V2) und mit dem Code aktivieren. Fertig.




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On the 9300/9500 Ctrl+Arrow keys now work as PgUp/PgDn/Home/End, and the joystick and keys work correctly. The Backup can now be automated and located in a defined folder. A number . Free Nokia V >Nokia .It supports nearly all popular v >Nokia . By the way,the fast and steady process won't waste of your . Platforms: Windows. SmartComGPS is a GPS mapping/tracking/navigation software for Symbian smartphones. It is one of most advanced GPS mapping software on the market. SmartComGPS designed for the all Symbian phones. It is compatible with external BT GPS receivers, and internal aGPS receiver of Motorola A920/925/1000.SmartComGPS can run without GPS receiver, as "mapping" software with namesearch ability, and on the contrary, without maps, as " GPS tracking" . License: Shareware Cost: $29.95 USD Size: 285.0 KB. Platforms: Windows. License: Shareware Cost: $10.00 USD Size: 495.5 KB. More Info Download. Platforms: Windows. License: Shareware Cost: $29.95 USD Size: 291.0 KB. Combines Nokia MP4 Converter and Nokia 3GP V >Nokia V >Nokia 5800, Nokia N95, Nokia N97 , Nokia 5310, Nokia N90, Nokia 6205, Nokia E71, Nokia E63, Nokia E75, Nokia N96 and more. Moreover, the Nokia MP4 Converter can also . License: Shareware Cost: $79.95 USD Size: 3.4 KB. More Info Download. More Info Download. Keep track of discount Garmin GPS deals on with this Firefox toolbar. Compare and buy all the latest Garmin satellite navigation systems. If you want a discount Garmin GPS system this is the Firefox toolbar to use. We also prov >GPS at the cheapest price possible in the US market.. Discount Garmin GPS - Cheap GPS Deals. Read reviews and shop . License: Shareware Cost: $39.99 USD Size: 1.1 MB. More Info Download. Platforms: Windows. More Info Download. License: Shareware Cost: $29.95 USD Size: 299.0 KB. Free Nokia V >Nokia .It supports nearly all popular v >Nokia . By the way,the fast and steady process won't waste of your time . License: Shareware Cost: $105.00 USD Size: 233 B. More Info Download. More Info Download. More Info Download. MarshallSoft GPS Component C/C++ (.NET) library toolkit (MGC4C) reads and decodes industry standard GPS NMEA 183 navigation sentences from the RS232 serial port as well as computes great circle distances and bearings. Features of MGC4C include: The most current GPS data is always available on demand * Runs as a background thread unattended * Works with Bluetooth virtual serial ports * Works with USB serial ports (with a USB to serial converter) . SmartComGPS is a GPS mapping/tracking/navigation software for Symbian smartphones. It is one of most advanced GPS mapping software on the market. SmartComGPS designed for the all Symbian phones. It is compatible with external BT GPS receivers, and internal aGPS receiver of Motorola A920/925/1000.SmartComGPS can run without GPS receiver, as "mapping" software with namesearch ability, and on the contrary, without maps, as " GPS tracking" . Nokia V >Nokia phone. It's capable of converting videos of all pop formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV, RM, MDV, 3GP, MP4, etc . It also can convert all pop formats of audio like MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, AC3, MP2, OGG, RA, APE, CDA, etc. *Extract audio from videos and convert it to MP3, WMA, WAV, etc, so you. More Info Download. License: Shareware Cost: $19.00 USD Size: 3.6 MB. License: Freeware Cost: $0.00 USD Size: 4.6 MB. License: Shareware Cost: $19.95 USD Size: 10.7 MB. Platforms: Windows. GPS is becoming so accurate that industries are seriously cons >GPS into your applications with this lightweight, multi-threaded .NET assembly. Includes methods for converting distance and speed measurements to English and Metric systems. Also included are functions which can calculate the distance and bearing to any point on Earth. Works with over a hundred GPS devices. . More Info Download. More Info Download. More Info Download. More Info Download. Daniusoft V >Nokia Converter is an all-in-one and fast Nokia v >Nokia including AVI, MP4, MPEG, WMV, DAT, MOV, ASF and FLV, etc. to Nokia 3GP, MP4, 3GPP which fits for Nokia Mobile Phone. This multifunctional Nokia video Converter software allows you to set many video editing functions: video crop, movie trimming, and video effect adjustment. You can also set encoding parameters (including . Platforms: Windows. SmartComGPS is a GPS mapping/tracking/navigation software for Symbian smartphones. It is one of most advanced GPS mapping software on the market. SmartComGPS designed for the all Symbian phones. It is compatible with external BT GPS receivers, and internal aGPS receiver of Motorola A920/925/1000.SmartComGPS can run without GPS receiver, as "mapping" software with namesearch ability, and on the contrary, without maps, as " GPS tracking" . Platforms: Windows. License: Freeware Cost: $0.00 USD Size: 7.6 MB. License: Freeware Cost: $0.00 USD Size: 10.6 MB. More Info Download. More Info Download. The Suite includes DVD to Nokia N97 V >Nokia N97 V >Nokia N97 v >Nokia N97 helps you convert DVD to Nokia N97 movie with high quality and fast conversion speed. Compared with other Nokia N97 V >Nokia N97 Video Converter supports single-step conversion.You can also adjust the output files parameters . Platforms: Windows, Palm. More Info Download. If you want to use this program you need a GPS (Global Positioning System) unit connecting to PC's COM port. The product is free for users of BrigSoft products Atomic Clock Service, PC Atomic Sync and OS Non-Proxy Atomic Sync. More Info Download. Platforms: Windows. Virtual GPS is a GPS (Global Positioning System) simulator software. You can use it to emulate a GPS receiver unit connected to your computer. It's >GPS input, but you have no signal or you can use it to test your GPS applications. It supports various NMEA 0183 sentences, so it can be used with any GPS mapping software. NMEA 0183 (or NMEA for short) is a combined electrical and data specification for communication between . License: Demo Cost: $29.00 USD Size: 6.6 MB. Platforms: Windows. License: Shareware Cost: $49.00 USD Size: 1.9 MB. License: Shareware Cost: $20.00 USD Size: 111 B. License: Shareware Cost: $29.95 USD Size: 1.8 MB. Oxygen Express for Nokia phones is an easy-to-operate tool for preventing your Nokia mobile phone's information from being lost. Oxygen Express protects you against unlucky accidents and optimizes your entertainment and business facilities providing the following opportunities: - Migration. You don't need to spend hours to move information from the old phone to the new one any longer. Migration Wizard will transer all your phone data . Platforms: Windows. Platforms: Windows. Platforms: Windows. Develop precise, efficient, and reliable GPS software in record time with this multithreaded component for desktop and mobile devices, including PocketPC, Windows CE, Tablet PC, Smartphone and now Windows Mobile! Over fifty >GPS device testing. This major release introduces Automatic Shared GPS Configuration for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices! Platforms: Windows. Platforms: Windows. The Tro GPS Simulator prov >GPS simulating needs and more. The Tro GPS Simulator uses the international standardized protocol NMEA-0183 for GPS data exchange. It can simulataneously send and recieve data.Furthermore it prov >GPS data:(1) Manual Input(2) Log files Playback(3)Forwarded Input(4)Default sentence selection and simulation To provide as much flexibility as possible the user can . Platforms: Windows, Palm. V >NoKia Converter is an excellent v >NoKia , 3G2 and MP4, and also convert NoKia v >NoKia file to MP3, WAV, and Vice Versa. In addition, the Video Converter provides a powerful way to convert video files to popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, AC3, RA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. It . More Info Download.




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    Download Game Coffee Shop for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5530 and 5233. Wind OS will blow in a feeling of good old windows times to your phone! Something you believe you have known from the very childhood, something which is so intutive and habitual, You will again have a chance to listen to old-hat noises of a humming cooler, and see that classic desktop screen. AfriDoctor is a very useful widget for Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3 based touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5230, 5228, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, N8, E7 and C6. AfriDoctor is a Doctor in your pocket. Your mission is to run a successful coffee house for as long as possible. As customers arrive you must take their orders at the station they're at by pressing the corresponding number: 1, 2 or 3. When they've placed their order you must fetch them what they've ordered. Download Application Sketch Effect for Nokia 5800, N97, X6 and 5530. Rising Antivirus application works with Nokia X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic and 5800 XpressMusic. The version 3.10 of this application is available to download. The version 2.0.0 of PayPal application can be downloaded from the following link. It's a .JAD file, which will download the actual installer file from PayPal and then install on your mobile. You need an internet connection on your mobile in order to install this app. Download Application HourPower for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5530 and E63. N-Desk Becomes More Hot With v2.6.8 for Nokia 5800, N97, X6 and 5530. This is exactly where HourPower comes into play. It reads the current system time out aloud - nothing else. No fancy UI, nothing to configure. Just press the button and hear the time. Put it on a softkey of the standby-screen for maximum comfort. PocketLock is an utility application and does not have much settings so you can easily handle it. Simple and powerful! The application version 1.05 is available to download from the following link. Download Anti-virus Application Rising Antivirus for Nokia 5800, N97 and X6. KumpulanG ame Hape. AfriDoctor offers such a simple UI that makes so easier for anyone to use this application. The application is a winner of recent Global Nokia Innovation award. The widget is available to download from the following download link. AfriDoctor application also provides mapping feature to let users find doctors, clinics and all health industry related services within their proximity. The emergency feature in this app notifies next of kin of their distress and location. Making a Sketch with this app is as simple as taking a picture from your mobile camera. The application is developed by Twist Mobile. The application comes with Advertisements which you can simply ignore each time you see them. The version 1.1.0 of Sketch Effect app can be downloaded from the following link. A new version 2.3.0 (beta) of one of the popular mobile browser Digia @Web is now available. Digia @Web is modern and fully finger touch controllable web browser available for Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobiles. Managed with the rebellious cooler? There is more complicated task for you. Hidden somewhere within the app are 44 Bill Gates quotations', so if you think you are smart enough, go find and decipher! Wind OS is one of the best app to try on your mobiles. CameraPro application is developed by Harald Meyer for Symbian S60v5 touch screen mobiles such as Nokia X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5800 XpressMusic, 5530 XpressMusic, 5228, 5230, 5233 and 5235. The version 2.0.1 of CameraPro application is available to download. A new anti-virus software Rising Antivirus is now available for Symbian S60 5th edition based touch screen mobile devices. Rising Antivirus defense your mobile away from all types of viruses, trojan, worm, and other malicous viruses threats in real time. Digia @Web mobile browser works with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic and Samsung i8910 Omnia HD. The beta version 2.03.0 of this app is available to download. Download Digia Mobile Browser v2.3.0 for Nokia 5800, N97, X6 and 5530. Download Cool Application LCG PhotoBook for Nokia 5800, N97 and X6. Download Application PocketLock for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5230 and 5530. Well, LCG PhotoBook is a compact photo viewer which also lets you upload photos to Facebook, Google Picasa, Photobucket, Flickr, MySpace and Twitter. You can easily create photo gallery. So along with photo viewing capabilities, it is also a perfect pictures uploader. Other than that it offers complete file management capabilities, so you can use it as a file explorer as well. LCG PhotoBook application works with Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic, 5530 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233 and 5235. The version 2.01 of this application is available to download. Be your own barista. Brew coffee, bake pastries and serve your customers. Don't let the customers wait to long or they will leave. With the money earned you can upgrade your speed, the coffee machines, the oven and the sound system. Choose between game modes Career and Endless. Download Official PayPal Mobile Application for Nokia 5800, N97, X6 and N8. Pastries can be fetched easily from the stations 4, 7 and *, while coffee must be made before they can be picked up. Make and pick up coffee at stations 6, 9 and #. Remember that you can only make coffees on order. If you run out of any of the pastries you can make more at the oven. Download W > The application is very simple, lightweight and does the job very well. The application is developed by SBSH Mobile Soft. The application works with Symbian S60v5 based touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, 5800 XpressMusic, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, X6, N97 and N97 Mini. N-Desk application works with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, 5228, 5530 XpressMusic, N97, 5230, N97 Mini, 5233, X6 and 5235. Download the version (build 312) from the following link. The real time monitor function provided in this application lets you enjoy your mobile without any worry. The application also provide a process manager which shows all running processes on your mobile. You can then kill any process. The Coffee Shop Java game works with Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobiles such as Nokia X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic and 5800 XpressMusic. The game is developed by Mobile Interaction and published by GlobalFun. The version 1.0.20 of this game is available to download. HourPower uses the built-in text to speech-engine of S60 phones. English, German, French, Italian and (Brazilian) Portuguese are currently supported. If your phone is running a different language, you might not get the optimal experience: your phone will try to speak the default English words, but use your local dialect. Get the version 1.6.0 of this application now. Some of the good features include symptom checkers, first-aid information, health calculators and quizzes. Afridoctor helps make healthcare affordable and accessible to the people of Africa. The application is one of the good and useful application available for Nokia mobiles. With Wind OS you will have a notepad for text editing, a browser for surfing and of course a world-famous Minesweeper, so keep cool, think fast, guess right - and find'em all! Is the cooler's sound getting louder? No worries! A bit of shake of your phone should fix it. But don't shake it too much, or. well, try yourself and see what happens. The features of Digia @Web browser include direct webpage control with finger, multiple-window support, URL auto-completion and automatic full screen browsing, Flash and AJAX support, Bookmarks, etc. Though Digia@ Web does not seems as promising as Opera Mini but worth having on your mobile. Rising is a Chinese software company that produces Rising Antivirus application for both PC and mobiles. The application is very advanced and provide more features than most other mobile anti-virus apps. You can perform quick/full/options scan of your mobile to ensure that it's virus free. Sketch Effect is a very useful fun application for Symbian S60v5 touch screen mobiles such as Nokia X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5800 XpressMusic, 5530 XpressMusic, 5228, 5230, 5233 and 5235. Take any photo from your mobile camera and you can then quickly convert it into a sketch. Enjoy Good Old Windows on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic with Wind OS. The mobiles which are supposed to get new updates are- Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Nokia 5530 XpressMusic Nokia 5230 Nokia 5250 Nokia X6 Nokia N97 Mini Nokia 5235 Nokia C6-00 Nokia C5-03 Nokia E72 Nokia E52 Nokia E5 Nokia C5-00 Nokia 6700 slide I will keep you informed if I gets this update on my Nokia 5800 XM. Let's wait for these updates! Please share your experience/comments if you get this update. According to a recent post in allaboutsymbian.com website, it is confirmed that Nokia is rolling out few updates for Symbian S60v3 and S60v5 based mobiles. These updates are mainly related to browser, OVI maps and emoticons in SMS and MMS. As per the news, There will be an updated version of the browser (Web v7.3 - Symbian Anna has the same browser). These updates will be available as firmware updates. Now you can start sending/receiving money to and from any of your contact instantly from your mobile. The interface of this application is extremely simple and easy-to-use. No matter where you are, you can view your account history and check your balance using mobile PayPal application. Ada banyak koleksi game-game handphone, android dan komputer. This version of N-Desk application is very stable and provides very smooth experience. In earlier version, there was a bug with Gmail icon showing too big. This is resolved now. Colors are much natural now and more customize options available. Wind OS - operating system simulator is developed by Bamboo Group. Get the version 1.0.1 of Wind OS from the following link and enjoy the cool windows OS on your mobiles. AfriDoctor is Africa's first personal mobile health clinic which turns your device into a powerful first aid information kit, a doctor-location service, and an emergency distress notifier. Its revolutionary "SnapDiagnosis" system allows users to submit photos of their ailments and remotely receive advice from a panel of professionals. PocketLock locks your phone when inside your pocket or bag, and unlocks when taken out. No more need for the lock button on the phone! PocketLock can also autolock your phone after X seconds, runs in the background, and auto-starts with your phone (can be changed from the settings). Now you can take PayPal with you - wherever you go. PayPal has released its mobile application for Symbian S60v5 and Symbian^3 based touch screen mobiles. Earlier PayPal application was only available for Android, iPhone and Blackberry mobiles. New Anna Updates are coming for Symbian S60v5 - Nokia 5800, X6 and 5530. HourPower is an interesting application for Symbian S60 3rd and 5th edition mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, E63, E71 and E72. You know the situation - you experience it almost every day: When you wake up in the morning, you'll want to know the time. PayPal is a Java based mobile application which allows you to send and receive money, check your recent transactions history, set a mobile PIN for easily log-in from your mobile and carry out other common PayPal tasks which you generally perform through PayPal website. Along with saving sketch on your mobile, Sketch effect application also helps you share your sketch with your friends on Facebook. You can now have a different profile picture to attract your friends. You can also do use the sketch as wallpaper or post to your Facebook wall. It's an ultimate fun that you experience with this app. The upcoming firmware update will include changes in both the rendering engine (WebKit) and the UI of the the browser application. On demand new browser window provides multi-tab-like feature. It is such a great news that Nokia is still supporting some of it's old smartphone like Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The updates as usual will be available sooner or later for all product codes. N-Desk , one of the great application for replacing the original menu of mobile is getting much better with every new version release. The version 2.6.8 of N-Desk application brings many new features, enhancements and bug-fixes. The application is now mature enough to make you love your phone much more than before. You were always looking for something cool on your mobile, something you can play with, something which makes you feel good with your mobile. Here is an application called LCG PhotoBook , which lets you view photos on your smartphone. You will be thinking what is so special and new about that, when there are many similar applications already available. PayPal application along with core functionalities also offers money splitting tool to help you divide the money among friends when out for shopping or eating out in a restaurent. The PayPal mobile application works with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, E7, N8 and C7. Of course you could take a look at the alarm clock, but that would imply looking at the small clock on your bedside table. If you have a clock that's able to project the time on the ceiling, it's better - but still, you have to get your eyes into a state where they can focus at the numbers. This is where talking alarm clocks come in handy. But you might not have one. However, you do have a mobile phone. Why not let the phone read the time for you? Download Application CameraPro for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5235 and 5530.




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