• 82845g graphics controller download install


    82845g graphics controller download install

    Name: 82845g graphics controller download install
    Category: Soft
    Published: evuttravla1971
    Language: English
























    This message repeated several times. I checked the NFS server: But these messages kept repeating on the client: My first step was to configure the server. This is the machine on which the files will reside. Other machines (clients) will access the file on this box. I did a quick check to see what options were available to me: So I restarted mountd and tried again: Ahhh, yes, I remember now. This box actually has a lot of symlinks on it because it contains three disks. Look at this: The following will share my /usr/ports/distfiles directory with the box at [root@laptop:/home/dan] # mount polo:/usr/obj /usr/obj polo:/usr/obj: nfsd: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Program not registered. mount fred:/nzmirror/ports/distfiles /mnt. As you can see, the actual physical pathname is something different from what I was supplying in the exports file. And if you check man exports , you'll see that symbolic links are not permitted. The following is from the third paragraph under DESCRIPTION : But this was how I was trying to mount it on the client: I decided upon the following options and added them to /etc/rc.conf : I've just experience a situationwhich may explain the above problem which just "went away". When I was writing Tranferring websites/users from one box to another I had this in my exports on the server: # killall -term mountd # mountd # showmount -e Exports list on localhost: /usr/home/www/ /usr/home/justine /usr/home/eimi /usr/home/chrissy Feb 16 22:36:25 ngaio rpcbind: connect from to getport/addr(nfs): request from unauthorized host. You might also want to see the Samba article. The next problem I encountered was a permissions issue: # mount -v mybox:/usr/ports/distfiles /mnt mybox:/usr/ports/distfiles on /mnt (nfs) The FreeBSD Diary. If you find it, then help is at hand. Please read NFS Portmap: RPC: Program not registered for how I solved it. nfs_server_enable="YES" rpcbind_enable="YES" rpcbind_flags="-r" So I mounted them manually, one at a time. I have no idea what caused this error. If you do, please add your comments. /usr/ports /usr/ports/distfiles -maproot=0 -network -mask You are missing an entry such as this from /etc/hosts.allow: The client is much easier to configure. I added this to /etc/rc.conf : To mount the remote volume, I issued the following command on a client: The following entry in /etc/fstab on the client will mount the remote volume each time the box is restarted: # ls -ld /usr/ports lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 16 Dec 24 20:21 /usr/ports -> /nzmirror/ports/ NOTE: Under FreeBSD 6.x, the rpcbind utility is used in place of the portmap utility. Thus, in FreeBSD 6.x the user is required to replace every instance of portmap with rcpbind in the forthcoming examples. The pathnames must not have any symbolic links in them and should not have any "." or ".." components. I figured it out. It was a problem on the server. After another reboot of the client, I found that the volumes were again not mounted. So I mounted them by hand. But I found one volume which could not be mounted. I had forgotten that this client mounted NFS volumes from two different servers. I went to the other NFS server, I killed mountd and nfsd and then restarted them. Then the volumes mounted properly on the client. My first attempt to connect resulted in this message: # mount fred:/usr/ports/distfiles /mnt nfs: can't access /usr/ports/distfiles: Permission denied. I think the first step to implementing NFS is to decide what you are going to share. In my case, I'm going to share /usr/ports/distfiles . Normally, this is an easy thing to do, but in my situation, it turned out to be much more complex than I originally anticipated. For more examples, see man exports and the FreeBSD'Zine article mentioned in the first part of this article. All exports from a single file system must be on the same export entry. For example: showmount can be used to display the exports on a given server: My first step was to transfer the contents of /usr/ports/distfiles to the server. Here is what I did on the box which contained most of my distfiles. The following copied the distfiles from the client to the server ( mybox ). mountd[42593]: mount request denied from for /nzmirror/ports/distfiles. /etc/exports defines the remote mount point for NFS mount requests (straight from man exports ). It is in this file that you specify what you will share, how you will share it, and who you will share it with. Things look quiet here. But I've been doing a lot of blogging at dan.langille.org because I prefer WordPress now. Not all my posts there are FreeBSD related. I am in the midst of migrating The FreeBSD Diary over to WordPress (and you can read about that here). Once the migration is completed, I'll move the FreeBSD posts into the new FreeBSD Diary website. # mount mybox:/usr/ports/distfiles /mnt # cd /usr/ports/distfiles # cp * /mnt. # showmount -e RPC: Timed out showmount: can't do exports rpc. nfs: bad MNT RPC: RPC: Timed out. I used an article from FreeBSD'zine as the basis for this exercise. That confused me. I checked /var/log/messages on the NFS server: # showmount -e Exports list on localhost: /usr/home/www/ I pressed CONTROL-C on the client's console. The client then completed the boot process. But no NFS volumes were mounted. On the client, I tried that mount again: # mount fred:/usr/ports/distfiles /mnt NFS Portmap: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out. $ mount polo:/usr/src /usr/src polo:/usr/src: RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client credential too weak. You can either reboot or start the NFS server manually: The problem is the pathname. Note that the exports contains "home" but the mount contains "local". Trying to mount a non-existant export will give you a plain simple error like that. Be sure to check the basics such as that. # cd /usr/ports/ # mv distfiles distfiles.old # mount mybox:/usr/ports/distfiles /usr/ports/distfiles. To make this mount permanent, see Mounting the remote volume. [root@fred:/etc] # grep nfs defaults/rc.conf. bad exports list line /home/dan/distributions/4.9-RELEASE/binary/usr/src. Well, that explains that. So I changed /etc/exports on the server to contain this: The above retains the existing distfiles in case of a problem. It then mounts the remote directory where it normally resides. But don't run that until after you have started the NFS server. Then I changed the mounting situation. On the client box, I did this: This article was originally written in November 1998, but has only just been completed. Yes, that's slack. I know. But I never had a need for NFS until today. nfs_client_enable="YES" # This host is an NFS client (or NO). nfs_client_flags="-n 4" # Flags to nfsiod (if enabled). I saw the following error on FreeBSD 6.2. If you see this: [root@ducky:/mnt] # mkdir temp mkdir: temp: Permission denied. That worked for me. fred:/usr/ports/distfiles /usr/ports/distfiles nfs rw 0 0. I tried many things to resolve this. Eventually it went away. I have no idea why. Sorry. If you want to set up a diskless NFS box, perhaps for a lab or classroom, have a look at this resource: # mount -v ducky:/usr/local/www /mnt nfs: can't access /usr/local/www: Permission denied. Ahhh! I wasn't root when I tried to mount! I su'd to root, and all was well. Prov >As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The -v flag produces additional information and is entirely optional. If you are seeing this on the client: My next attempt resulted in this: mountd[95]: mount request from from unprivileged port. I was rebooting a NFS client when I spotted this message on the console: When you install a port [from the Internet; not from a CD], files are downloaded from the Internet and stored in /usr/ports/distfiles . If you install the same port on more than one machine, the file is downloaded again. My goal is to minimize the Internet traffic and to increase the speed with which ports can be installed. NFS allows a box (the server) to share it's files with other boxes (the clients). A given box can act as both and client and a server. Thus, boxes can share files with other boxes. # mount /usr/ports/distfiles ngaio:/usr/ports/distfiles: nfsd: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Authentication error. The above indicates a successful mount. In this example, the server is the host mybox . But I didn't have an easy time of it. See the next section for the problems I encountered. Note that I didn't actually use /usr/ports/distfiles and the above is only an example. nfs: bad MNT RPC: RPC: Timed out. Jun 12 11:20:07 polo portmap[55049]: connect from to getport(nfs): request from unauthorized host. Remember that after making changes to /etc/exports , you should hup mountd: You can then either reboot, or start the client software manually: I cleared out my firewall rules on the NFS server and tried again. Note: the NFS server is a test box and the firewall rules were not necessary. Don't just clear out your firewall rules unless you are aware of the implications of doing so. nfs_server_enable="YES" # This host is an NFS server (or NO) nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 4" # Flags to nfsd (if enabled). I checked my logs and found this: Today I encounted this error for the first time. I was compiling a kernel on my fast box and while I was waiting I set up the slow box. I did this:




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